






Profile of Fujian Provincial Cancer Hospital 


Fujian Provincial Cancer Hospital (FPCH), one of the leading institutions in promoting socialist ethical progress, is situated at 420 Fuma Road, Jin’an District of Fuzhou. Neighbored to the downtown area in the west and Gushan Scenic Spot in the east, FPCH covers an area of 94,000 square meters, with a floor space of 195,000 square meters. FPCH is the only Triple-A cancer hospital in Fujian (3A Hospital, an award for top class hospitals according to the evaluation system of Ministry of Health, P. R. China) with an integrated system of medical treatment, scientific research, teaching, training, cancer prevention and rehabilitation. 

Development and Management 

The idea of establishing FPCH was first mooted in 1979. With the support from leaders, people of all walks of life as well as from different levels of provincial government, FPCH began to practice cancer curative activities from 1984 and was formally established on 12th November, 1986. In 1997, it was awarded as a “Triple-A Cancer Hospital” by Ministry of Health, PRC,and in 1998, it was authorized as “The Pilot Base of Clinical Pharmacology” by Ministry of Health, PRC. In 2001, Fujian Provincial Institute of Oncology was established in FPCH. 

Throughout 30 years’ of efforts, FPCH has achieved a leapfrog development in its medical technology, equipment, service standard, environment, talent cultivation, medical management and cultural construction. At present, FPCH has 31clinical departments, 27 wards, 11 medical technological departments and 14 oncology laboratories. The total number of our employees reaches 2,018. Among the 1,654health technicians, there are 76chief physicians, 159associate chief physicians, 319 MD (Doctor of Medicine) and MMedSc (Master of Medical Science),43 professors and associate professors,30 doctor and master supervisors and 6 Government Special Allowance winners.

Based on its reality, FPCH has taken the lead in undertaking a series of reforms in some aspects as personnel system, responsibility system of attending doctor, internal process management optimization and merit pay system. 

Scope of Service 

By laying emphasis on development of disciplinary construction, improvement in management standards and innovation in comprehensive tumor treatment, FPCH has formed a sound and standard therapy system featuring by surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation therapy, integrative medicine therapy, biotherapy, radio frequency ablation, intervention therapy and hyperthermia therapy. 

Cluster Relationship 

FPCH has some affiliated organizations like: 

Cancer Center of Fujian Province; 

Cancer Treatment, Prevention and Research Office of Fujian Province; 

Anti-Cancer Society of Fujian Province; 

Oncology Branch of Fujian Medical Association; 

Radiation Oncology Branch of Fujian Medical Association; 

Quality Control Center of Radiation Oncology, Fujian Province; 

Quality Control Center of Chemotherapy Oncology, Fujian Province; 

Teaching and Researching Base of Oncology, Fujian Medical University; 

National Committee of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, China Anti-Cancer Society. 

Scientific Research Achievements 

FPCH also pays great attention to scientific research. In recent years, the staff of FPCH have published more than 2600 papers in foreign and domestic journals and completed over 99 scientific research projects, including 84 provincial-level projects and 15 ministerial-level projects, and won more than 70 awards at both ministerial level and provincial level. More than 10 professional books have been published include: 

Comprehensive Treatment Guidelines of Common Malignancy; 

Guidelines for Fujian Cancer Registry Report; 

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma; 

Retroperitoneal Neoplasm; 

Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer; 

Study on Etiology of High Incidence Area of Gastric Cancer in Fujian Province; 

Atlantes of Malignancy in Fujian Province; 

The Histopathology and Immunohistochemistry of Common Malignancy; 

Common Neoplastic Diseases Care Manual. 

Academic Activities 

During these years, FPCH has successfully hosted more than 60 international and national conferences. Some of the academic workshops include: 

The Gastrointestinal Tumor Minimally Invasive Surgery Summit Forum and Training lesson of Gastrointestinal Tumor Laparoscopic Operation Progression; 

National Liver Cancer Conference; 

International Brachytherapy Conference; 

National Nasopharyngeal Cancer Conference; 

National Lung Cancer Conference; 

National Cancer Rehabilitation and Palliative Medicine Congress; 

National Tumor Chemotherapy Training Course; 

National Tumor Hospital Management Symposium.


  • 医院电话:0591-83660063,0951-83628767
  • 门诊时间: -
  • 医院地址:福州市福马路凤板马路顶91号
  • 乘车路线:









